Ed first entered the Army in July 1971, straight from high
school. He served for two years on active duty before entering
the U.S. Army Reserves. He returned to active duty in July
1976 and served continuously until retirement on 1 June 2015.
He retired with 41 years, two months of active service, plus an
additional two years and eleven months of inactive service.
His final assignment was as a Military Assistant to the Secretary
of the Army, where he served from June 2004 until retirement.
During this period, he deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan from
July 2009 to July 2011 and served as a Military Assistant
(Personnel) to the Commander, International Security
Assistance Force/United States Forces-Afghanistan.
Previous assignments, in reverse chronological order, include:
Assistant Executive Officer, General Officer Management Office, Office of the Chief of Staff.
OIC, Special Missions Recruiting Team, United States Army Recruiting Command, Fort Knox.
Administrative Technician, 8th Personnel Command, Korea.
Chief, Personnel Processing Division, United States Army Armor Center, Fort Knox.
Chief, Personnel Operations, 194th Separate Armored Brigade, Fort Knox.
Chief, Personnel Actions Division, later Chief Personnel Information Branch, 575th Personnel
Services Company, V Corps, USAREUR and Seventh Army, Germany.
Chief, Personnel Actions Division, 379th Personnel Services Company, V Corps, USAREUR
and Seventh Army, Germany.
Personnel Sergeant, Europe Division, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Germany.
Personnel Administration NCO, 4th Chaparral-Vulcan, 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Fort
NCOIC, Enlisted Evaluations, later, Enlisted Records Team Chief, United States Army Air
Defense Center and Fort Bliss, Fort Bliss.
Unit Clerk, Nike Hercules Weapons Support Detachment, 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade,
Personnel Actions Specialist, 4th Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery, 38th Air Defense Artillery
Brigade, Korea.
Records Specialist, In/Out Processing, Fort Knox, Kentucky.
His decorations include:
The Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal,
Defense Meritorious Service Medal, five awards of the Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service
Commendation Medal, four awards of the Army Commendation Medal, Joint Service
Achievement Medal, and five awards of the Army Achievement Medal. He earned the Army
Staff Badge, Army Recruiter Badge, and the French Commando Badge Entrainement, a foreign
military badge.
His civilian and military education are listed below:
Masters of Science in Health Care Administration, Stratford University.
Masters of Science in Human Resources Management, University of Maryland, Phi Kappa Phi.
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, University of Maryland.
Associates in Medical Billing and Coding, Stratford University.
Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course.
Warrant Officer Staff Course.
Warrant Officer Advanced Course.
Warrant Officer Basic Course.
He is a member of the following organizations:
United States Army Warrant Officers Association (lifetime).
Association of the United States Army (lifetime).
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (lifetime).
Volunteer, National Museum of the United States Army.
Member, 1814 Society.
He is married to the former Virginia Hernandez, who retired from the Army as a Sergeant Major.
They have no children.