President CW5(R) Eddie Mallard
Vice President CW5(R) Phyllis Wilson
Secretary CW5 Alana Kolcun
Treasurer CW5 (R) Dick Markle
Memorabilia CW5 (R) Dick Markle
Historian CW5 (R) Ron McLendon
Ways and Means CW5 (R) Ron McLendon
Webmaster – CW4 Will Cassada

The Lord Fairfax Silver Chapter is involved in numerous activities to support local charities. These donations help the local community and service members in need.
We need volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering, please send us a message via email (contact@usawoalordfairfax.org), or through our contact page (here)
Support local Warrant Officer busineses:
Chapter Meetings
The Chapter currently meets once a month at different locations in the Fort Belvoir area. Check back here often for meeting details.
Chapter meetings will be conducted virtually for the foreseeable future. Check the Facebook page or watch for the Newsletters for the dial-in information.
The next Chapter meetings are scheduled for:
- 29 July 2023 at 1700